Cultivating Self Love

Pure unconditional self love is the most powerful gift you can honour yourself with. It will transform and change the way you live and experience life. It will profoundly change all the relationships you invite into your life.
A great way to assess your level of self love is to listen to your daily inner dialogue. Spend a day listening to the words you speak to yourself and journal them. Are they uplifting, encouraging, and compassionate or judgemental, harsh and negative? When you look in a mirror do speak inner words of kindness. When you confront a challenge do you speak words of defeat and sabotage or encouraging words of motivation? Once you develop a conscious awareness of the inner dialogue you can work to build positive, encouraging, and supportive changes to the messages and words you speak to yourself.
Discovering and building a strong and loving relationship with yourself begins to open the doors to incredible fulfilling relationships with others. Inner harmony will always result in outer harmony. Developing unconditional self love takes dedication, courage, and determination. The journey can be painful at times as we awaken wounds, and trauma’s, that need healing. However I promise you that on the other side of all the darkness you will meet your light, your beauty, your power. It is time to Remember Who You Are.
Practice: Assess your inner dialogue for one day and keep a journal so you can see how much unconditional self love you are cultivating each day. At the end of the day write a letter of forgiveness to yourself and make a vow to begin loving yourself. I highly encourage you to carry this vow of love with you in your wallet or pocket and have one copy sitting beside your bed to read each night and in your bathroom to read each morning. After 40 days of consciously cultivating a self love dialogue it will become second nature.
Hold yourself as a mother holds her beloved child. —Buddha