Daily Practices To Tune into Your Higher Guidance

Repressed truth will ultimately manifest in dis-ease.
The relationship we have with ourselves must be healed and nurtured before we can enter into an unconditionally loving and harmonious partnership with another. We have to be willing to go deep within and accept that all the judgements we project onto others are unhealed wounds within us.
A wise healer once taught me that everyone in our life is a teacher. Taking the time to go inward and reflect when triggered by another person can be deeply healing and revealing.
Screaming Ego vs. Whispering Higher Self
The ego loves to blame and point the finger at others so it can stay safe and confined. It will project fears, and inadequacies onto others rather than look within to do the deep needed healing. It wants to keep you exactly where you are, locked away in safe state of mediocrity. The ego deeply fears growth and change. Repressed truth will ultimately manifest in dis-ease.
Your higher self is the part of you that wants you to heal, grow, expand, to be powerful, loving and compassionate. It understand that you are the creator of all aspects of your life, and takes ownership for all thoughts, emotions and feelings. Your higher self speaks in a much quieter voice than the ego and subtly sends you messages each day. It is critical that we develop a daily practice to allow this voice to come forth.
How to Hear The Whispers of Your Higher Self
Adopt daily practices that cultivate sacred space within so that you can hear the whispering guidance of your higher self - your soul speaking to you. The best way to tune into the voice of your higher self is to sit in silence in space of uninterrupted solitude each day with the intention to "remember who you are".
Other Daily Practices to Guide You Inward to Hear Your Higher Self
- Sit in a quiet space and connect to your breath and simply draw your intention inward to your heart.
- Going into Nature and sit with your back against a tree and breath and relax.
- Journaling
- Coloring
- Yoga
- Repeating Mantra’s both silently and aloud.
- Meditation
- Reading Soulful Books
- Tarot Cards
- Pendulum
- Drink a soul nourishing tonic in a space of solitude