3 Ways to Banish Breakouts

We’ve all experienced that dreaded moment: a bump forming below the skin. Panic sets in—not another one!
As hard as we try to prevent pimples the reality is, there are many internal and external factors that lead to breakouts. Our first line of defense is a healthy lifestyle: lots of vegetables, avoiding super-triggers like dairy and sugar, and of course following a good skincare routine, but sometimes it’s not enough. Our hormones become unbalanced and breakouts ensue. Often we can stop a pimple in its tracks or at the very least, speed healing, reduce inflammation and the potential of scarring. Read on for your three-part action plan!
Spot treat with Harmonized Clarifying Serum
(all skin types)
This serum is packed with our beloved encapsulated retinaldehyde (ER)—the best form of vitamin A in existence. This powerhouse ingredient penetrates right down to the sebaceous glands to reduce oil, quell bacteria, and calm inflammation. Along with the ER, there is an incredible team of eastern herbs and nutrients supporting your skin and fighting those blemishes at the dermal level.Transformed Detoxifying Toner
(oily skin types)
This blend of glycolic acid, salicylic acid in an aloe base supports breakout-prone skin without drying it out. When you feel a blemish forming beneath the skin, take a cotton pad or swab and saturate it with Transformed. Press it into the blemish and hold for 30 seconds, allowing all the potent goodness to penetrate and heal your skin.
Professional Extraction
Hands off! Yes, I know it is so tempting to squeeze when you just want that pimple gone. However, are right ways and wrong ways to extract a pimple and the wrong ways can lead to damage and scarring. While you may not be able to drop everything and go for a medi-facial when you feel a pimple coming on, ask your aesthetician to teach you how to extract safely and identifying which pimples can be extracted and which cannot.